Category: Hanga | Create

Justin – Stations of the Cross Expierence

The Stations of the Cross Jesus’ immense passion and commitment to us, Room 8 did a re-enactment of the event to capture the importance of the event.


The Character I was chosen to play was Pontius Pilate’s soldier who put the cross on Jesus and forced Simon of Cyrene to hold the cross. When Jesus fell I had to poke with my spear everytime the point of the spear connected. There was a chill down my spine. Negative thoughts going through my head like “ Did I hit him too hard? “, “Did I do the action too fast” but in the end if I made a mistake it wouldn’t matter.


At the final station my friend and I had to hold a screen representing the tomb Jesus was buried in. It was tough holding it for a long time as you had to hold it at the very top putting a lot of pressure on my shoulders. Near the end my shoulders were screaming for help. When it was over I wanted to fall on the ground and rest. It made me wonder how Jesus felt having to hang for so long with nails in his hands and feet. I think I got off lightly!


Stations of the cross opened my eyes to see how much Jesus did for us.  I realised I needed to repay him by being the best person I can be, Loving and caring for others. 


Web Diagrams

For our Emily Backpack work we needed to make a web diagram showing our friends and family’s relationships, Here’s our finished work.

This represents the people who affected our lives positively or negatively the positive is more closer to us and the negative is more on the outside.

Ballet In a Box

Have you ever seen a whole school entertaining themselves and others by playing so mokolo I think not but, the whole of Saint Patrick School and others were invited to a live ballet performance called Ballet in a Box, I was going there with an open mind thinking it would just be meh but we were lucky we got invited cause the show was amazing the ballet the lights the costume and the music was top notch and I can tell my friends were thinking the same it was that good.

The First performance was Classical Ballet it was about 2 lovers at a flower festival there was more depth to it but I don’t really remember.

The Second performance was Contemporary Ballet a month ago we were taught a bit of the dance the stage also had music from a New Zealand Band.

The Third was a Guy doing Contemporary and a Girl doing Classical Ballet at the same time but what really surprised me is someone said switch then they swapped styles that was pretty unique.

The Last but not least was called Mahina it was about 2 lovers realizing some of our actions would hurt our earth.

I really loved the Ballet and I would die to come for another performance in the future.

Thanks for reading my blog bye

The Celebration of The Sacrament of Marriage

For our R.E we made a Google Drawing about the Sacrament of Marriage and how it’s a cycle. I interpreted the Marriage cycle as an apple tree since it will grow an apple then the seeds from the apple will grow another apple tree making an infinite cycle of trees like the cycle of marriage, As a class we had to make it have 11 steps and it had to be an infinite cycle but I left one of the steps out since it wouldn’t fit my creation, It was interesting looking at my fellow classmates on how they interpreted it most of them used things shaped like a circle cause a cycle is usually created as a circle but the ideas for the non-circle ones were really unique, Thanks for reading Bye